When to go to Kenya, Best Month

When to go to Kenya, Best time to go

Our evaluation by month

January When to go to Kenya, Best Month
February When to go to Kenya, Best Month
March When to go to Kenya, Best Month
April When to go to Kenya, Best Month
May When to go to Kenya, Best Month
June When to go to Kenya, Best Month
July When to go to Kenya, Best Month
August When to go to Kenya, Best Month
September When to go to Kenya, Best Month
October When to go to Kenya, Best Month
November When to go to Kenya, Best Month
December When to go to Kenya, Best Month

Kenya is a "Journey" in the name of adventure immersed in the nature of the savannah and surrounded by animals that have always fascinated us all since we were children. The traveler going to Kenya can choose to camp in a tent experiencing the awe of the magic of the silence that envelops him, perhaps dozing under a black sky dotted with countless bright stars, or he can stay more comfortably in some well-preserved African. lodge style adapted to the surrounding nature.

When to go to Kenya, Best Month Come in, ghepardo When to go to Kenya, Best Month Kenya, safari When to go to Kenya, Best Month Kenya, Maasai village
When to go to Kenya, Best Month Kenya, elephant When to go to Kenya, Best Month Kenya, Mombasa beach When to go to Kenya, Best Month Kenya, savannah

What awaits you in Kenya?

We wait for the sunrise for a safari in search of the lion, King of the Savannah always very difficult to find, and try to hear a roar in the distance that warns us of his presence. Then you follow his tracks and finally find him in the bushes, waiting for the return of the pride of lionesses engaged in hunting.
This is Kenya, the country that will conquer you and invariably make you discover what it feels like to return home and feel the "African Disease". The main national parks where you can go on safari are the Masai Mara Reserve or the Tsavo National Park, then there are other smaller but no less fascinating parks.

After having lived the adventurous experience of a safari in the reserves or parks of Kenya you can indulge yourself at the Watamu or Malindi Beaches

in total relaxation. Long stretches of white sand overlooking a spectacular coral reef await you. Don't miss the Marine Turtle National Park and the Mangrove Park near Watamu.

When to go to Kenya to enjoy all this?

When to go to Kenya, Best Month


Kenya has a climate that varies from one area to another, but the best time to go is undoubtedly in the months of February and March, during the dry season, or between June and September to find the best of safaris in nature reserves.
Therefore, we can distinguish the coastal area with a mild climate all year round for those who want to indulge in the pleasures of the beaches and the sea, however, avoiding the rainy periods between April and May and October and November (it is said that between March and August there are several algae on the coast, but it depends on the beaches, find out more).
For sightseeing and safari fans , the climate varies between northern Kenya and the highlands area. In the former the climate is dry and arid with little rainfall, while in the highlands area and therefore the reserves the climate is characterized by two rainy seasons, extending between April and June and with more intense but short rains between November and December.
To admire the migrations of birds we recommend the months of January and February, while for the migrations of herbivores (wildebeest, zebras, giraffes ...)

the most suitable period is from June to September, varying slightly from year to year depending on the climatic conditions and rainfall that condition the migrations themselves.

For more details on rainfall and average temperatures

, please consult the following data.



see the Viaggiare Sicuri della Farnesina link below and check the political situation of the country before deciding to leave.

Suggestions: in addition to antimalarial prophylaxis, especially in the more humid periods, carry mosquito repellent products.

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