Discovering the "balcony of Italy", a magical panorama

Admire our country from a truly evocative and unique point of view: welcome to the "balcony of Italy"
Discovering the
The "balcony of Italy"

How pleasant is it to look out from a viewpoint and admire a panorama that seems straight out of a painting? Our country - fortunately - is full of wonderful places that allow you to contemplate landscapes that seem to have been painted by the expert hands of a renowned artist. But there is one that, because of the visual spectacle it offers, is even called the “Balcony of Italy”.

Sighignola, the most beautiful panorama that exists

The place in question is called Signal And it is a mountain in the Lugano Prealps that stands out in the clear sky with its 1.320 meters high. It is located on the Italian-Swiss border, between the Italian municipality of Alta Valle Intelvi and the Swiss municipalities of Arogno and Lugano. A balcony divided in half, you could say, but the truth is that the viewpoint comes to life in our territory, although it is obviously possible to reach it from the sides of both countries.

The wonderful Signal, in fact, represents the culmination of the equally fascinating Valle de Intelvi, a mountainous valley area in the province of Como that has a lot to offer its visitors.

Discovering the
A corner of the Intelvi Valley

How to get to the "balcony of Italy"

To reach the "balcony of Italy" and admire a panorama that inevitably conquers the hearts of all its guests, you have to start from Lanzo d'Intelvi, where the only ski resort in the province of Como is located.

From here, if you want to use a car or bicycle, you must take a 5,5 km road built in 1913 by Vittorio Bertarelli, one of the founding fathers of the Italian Touring Club. But the good news is that, especially during the summer, it is possible to walk a manageable route even with children.

The path is marked by a large sign and, following it, you reach directly the magnificent "balcony of Italy" in about 20 minutes. Once you reach the top of the sign, You will be able to contemplate a square called, precisely, "the balcony of Italy" where there is also a sign that tells the story of the cable car that would take you from Campione d'Italia to Sighignola. A project that, unfortunately or fortunately, remained unfinished.

If, on the other hand, you are on the Swiss side but still want to reach this spectacular viewpoint, you should know that to get there you will have to take advantage of a route with completely different profiles than those found on our side.

But regardless of which side you choose, once you get there "balcony of italy" In front of you you will have a landscape of such authentic beauty that it will be difficult to even describe it. Under your feet will be the placidity of Lake Ceresio, then that of Lugano and, on clear days, even the infinity of Lake Maggiore.

Discovering the
Part of the panorama that can be seen from Sighignola, the "balcony of Italy"

But not only that: you can also admire the elegant Swiss city of Lugano, then the sinuous lines of Monte Rosa and the magnetic lines of the Matterhorn. In short, it is an authentic balcony that allows you to have a truly exceptional and unique view, something difficult to find in other places.

On top of the SignalAmong other things, a small chapel stands proudly built in memory of the Alpine soldiers who fell during the First World War. And if you have children with you, don't worry: near the balcony, a leisure area has been created just for them with some games to have fun and a picnic area where you can enjoy a meal while contemplating a panorama of limitless beauty.

Needless to say, each season can offer different views adorned with the typical colors and classic atmospheric events of the time.

What to see in the Intelvi Valley

If you decide to visit the fantastic "balcony of italy" You cannot fail to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the many wonders that the poetic Intelvi Valley contains.

Among the most peculiar attractions are, without a doubt, the numerous small towns. Lanzo d'Intelvi is in itself a true gem that, in addition to housing a small ski and snowboard lift area and a cross-country ski track, is also dotted with buildings not to be missed.

One of these is the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Loreto which inside preserves a plaster front from the 17th century that represents the Virgin of Loreto, a sacred object that is also represented by a statue located behind the Eucharistic table that, in turn, protects another work to which the church is devoted. local population.

it is not less Villa Turconi which sports decorative details of considerable interest and a series of truly peculiar symbols. Among them we cannot fail to mention the snake and the apple of Adam and Eve, the pomegranate, the thistle and the snail.

Another town worth visiting in the Intelvi Valley is lazy, a place where just over 200 souls live. It is a small town clinging to a mountain where, in addition to admiring a dreamlike panorama, you can visit the Parish Church of Saint Margaret which houses some interesting works of art, stucco decorations, canvases from the 17th and 18th centuries and a plaster front dating from the 18th century.

Yours is also worth mentioning. san roco square where some homes with elegant decorations dating from the 18th century are reflected.

Another town worth visiting is Claino which, like unfortunately many other areas of our country, is a place plagued by the phenomenon of depopulation. To counteract this problem, two cities proposed in 2015 to the municipal administration to create a "painted village", to the point that today the visitor has the opportunity to admire a kind of open-air museum.

There are more than 60 works and they are located throughout almost the entire length of the town. It is also worth visiting the Parish Church of Saint Vincent which preserves a PietĂ  from 1492, the vault paintings of Vincenzo de Bernardi and much more.

Finally, say hello to Valle de Intelvi and its wonders from a truly special place: the giant bench. It is located in the Bolla area and, thanks to its very suggestive position, allows you to admire a panorama that also allows you to glimpse the profiles of Lake Como.

La Valle Intelvi with its "balcony of Italy" and due to the numerous attractions it offers, natural and non-natural, it is a true masterpiece corner of our country.

Discovering the
The "balcony of Italy" in autumn
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