Where to sleep in Pisa: best areas to stay

Have you decided to visit Tuscany and have you chosen to sleep in Pisa? Discover the best areas to stay to be close to attractions and to enjoy the city life to the fullest.

Located very close to the Mediterranean coast and crossed by the Arno river, Pisa is the second most important city in the Tuscany region, after Firenze, and one of the most visited cities in all of Italy.

Although not very large, Pisa is a world-famous city, partly thanks to its tower which, with its almost 4-degree inclination, has become an international symbol of Italy and one of the most visited monuments in Europe.

However, it would be a mistake to believe that Pisa only concerns its leaning tower. Former commercial and maritime power from antiquity to the Middle Ages, the Pisan city has an impressive historical and cultural heritage compared to the small size of the city: Piazza del Duomo, the cathedral, the historic center, numerous churches and buildings erected in the Middle Ages.

We recommend sleeping in Pisa if you want to experience a real Tuscan city, witness its romantic sunsets on the edge of the Arno river and save a little ... In fact, Pisa is cheaper than its older sister Firenze.

Why choose to sleep in Pisa

Pisa is the main air access point to the entire region. Its international airport is the busiest in Tuscany and the tenth in terms of passenger numbers across the country.

For rail traffic, Pisa Central Station offers direct connections with almost all major cities in the north and those on the west coast of Italy, including Florence, Bologna, Milan o Rome, among the others.

Its tourist attraction, added to its importance as an air and railway center, makes Pisa an almost obligatory stop on a journey through Italy and an unmissable place in Tuscany.

Thanks to its location Pisa is also a starting point for other important enclaves such as Siena, Florence, Lucca or San Gimignano. Plus, it's cheaper than Florence.

Best areas to sleep in Pisa

Divided in two by the Arno river, the city has four historic districts:

  • Santa Maria - near the main monuments of the city (Piazza dei miracoli with the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, Piazza dei cavalieri
). Here the accommodations are a bit more expensive.
  • Saint Francis - a little quieter than Santa Maria, it is the theater and cinema district.
  • St. Anthony - south of the Arno, more convenient, near the central station.
  • Saint Martin walk - calm atmosphere, away from the crowds.

The best areas to sleep as a tourist they are close to Piazza dei Miracoli (Piazza del Duomo), close to the international airport of Pisa, close to the train station and in the historic center.

The rest of the areas (outside the center or in the nearby towns) we recommend only if you are traveling by car and want to stay away from the main and crowded tourist areas.

Sleeping near the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Where to sleep in Pisa: best areas to stay
Pisa, Tuscany - Photo from Istock

The tower of Pisa is one of the most famous monuments in the world and the main reason why many people visit the city. This tower is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, and is a beautiful building that has become famous, mainly, for its remarkable inclination of almost 4 degrees.

The tower was built in the XNUMXth century, shortly after the cathedral, and a subsidence of the ground below, which occurred in the early stages of construction, caused the building to tilt. Right next to the iconic tower is also located the dome or the Cathedral of Pisa, not to be missed.

Thanks to its worldwide fame, staying near the tower of Pisa means paying higher prices than in other areas of the city. However, it is worth paying a few euros more to stay in this area which, as well as being beautiful, allows you to easily reach the monument.

The surroundings of the Duomo and the tower are certainly the best area to sleep in Pisa. The neighborhood is that of Santa Maria, very central and quiet, and staying here will save you time traveling.

Find accommodation near the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Sleeping in the historic center of Pisa

Where to sleep in Pisa: best areas to stay
Arno River in Pisa -

This quieter, more residential area is ideal for sleeping in Pisa if you want to relax and recharge your batteries while traveling.

The historic center of Pisa hosts most of the historic sites of the Tuscan city. This area is broadly located between the cathedral and the central railway station and is crossed by the Arno river. The center is perfect for walking as it is mainly a restricted traffic area.

Do not miss its small and narrow medieval streets, squares like the charming Piazza Vittorio Emanuele Piazza delle Vettovaglie, one of the most authentic corners of the city that hosts the city market, the banks of the Arno which represent the most beautiful and evocative point of the city, both during the day and in the evening.

Pisa is a fairly compact city and easy to walk around, but if you need to, you can always use its excellent bus system.

In the historic center of Pisa there are cheaper hotels than those near the cathedral and the tower and with a better quality / price ratio.

Find a hotel in the historic center

Sleeping near the Central Station and the airport

Pisa Centrale railway station it is located on the south side of the Arno river and is one of the main railway hubs in Italy. From here there are trains to Livorno and Rome, La Spezia and Genoa, Lucca and Florence ...

One of the characteristics of Pisa is the proximity of its airport to the city center: it is located just 1,6 km from the central station, a distance that can be easily covered in about 20 minutes on foot or in less than 10 minutes by car.

Pisa airport can also be reached with the service Step on, a shuttle system that frequently connects the airport with the railway.

Staying close to the station or airport of Pisa offers the possibility of moving easily and comfortably towards the historic center, using the numerous local buses, but above all towards all the other destinations in the surrounding area.

This area is one of the best areas to sleep in Pisa, and offers accommodation of all kinds, rooms in hostels, small B & Bs and even luxury hotels.

Find accommodation near Pisa train station and airport


Where to sleep in Pisa: best areas to stay
Pisa Cathedral -
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