Stairway to Heaven the most adventurous trail in the Hawaiian Islands

    The Haikū Stairs, also known as Stairway to Heaven or Haikū Ladder, is a steep trail on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. The total of the route includes nearly 4 steps that extend along the Oahu's Ko'olau mountain range.

    The 3.922 steel steps lead from the base of the island to an altitude of 752 meters, where you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view of the whole island and the sea that surrounds it.

    Stairway to Heaven is a hiking trail and one of the main attractions of the Hawaiian Islands. So much so that the more adventurous tourists mark it as one of the things to do absolutely during a trip or vacation in the paradisiacal islands of Hawaii.

    This path was built and used by American soldiers during the Second World War to reach the summit, from where they had an excellent view of the sea surrounding the island.

    After the war the route was not dismantled and in the following years more and more tourists traveled it, even if it was very dangerous both for the altitude and because the iron steps were very slippery due to humidity or in case of rain.

    Due to numerous accidents, the Hawaiian government enforces the ban on walking the path with heavy fines for those caught in the off-limits area. The route in 2015 was heavily damaged by a violent tropical storm which made it even more dangerous.

    Later, the inhabitants of the island settled it. To allow maintenance and constant maintenance of the route, in order to be even safer, an entrance fee of $ 100 for tourists and $ 10 for residents is applied.

    Stairway to Heaven the most adventurous trail in the Hawaiian Islands
    Stairway to Heaven the most adventurous trail in the Hawaiian Islands -
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