What to do in Preveza, the aristocratic city of Greece

    What to do in Preveza, the aristocratic city of Greece
    Itinerary to visit Preveza, a beautiful city in Greece on the shores of the Ionian Sea, starting from its historic center and continuing outside the city between beaches and archaeological sites.

    The elegant city of Preveza, in western Greece, between Parga and Lefkada, at the entrance to the Gulf of Amvrakikos, is a truly pleasant tourist destination. Located on a peninsula in the extreme southwest of the Epirus region, in the province of the same name, it has a glorious past, full of domination, conquests and disputes that featured Ottomans, Venetians, Greeks and even Italians and Germans. the ages.

    Easily accessible from Italy by air, Preveza is equipped with International Airport, located in the town of Aktion, which also serves beautiful Lefkada. In addition, there are sea connections between Preveza and the island of Paxos (information at the city's marina, located in the shelter of the Amvrakikos Gulf).

    The history of the city and the people who passed through it have influenced the architecture of its center, characterizing the buildings and streets of the ancient city. His name is linked, among other things, to Kostas Kariotakis, one of the most famous poets of post-war neo-romanticism, who lived here and committed suicide when he was in his early thirties.

    Upon arrival in Preveza, start your visit itinerary from Port, between the numerous moored yachts and the fishing fleets; You could take advantage of it to take a relaxing walk along the coastal road. Then enter the center through picturesque streets to find one of the many restaurants where you can enjoy a snack and some local specialties such as "mezés", ouzerÏ and sip ouzo.

    Then visit the Agios Charalambos Cathedral, restored in 1793, which houses splendid golden icons and sculptures inside; Admire the bell tower adjacent to the church dating from 1752 and then take a tour of all three castles of préveza, Kastro Agios Andreas, Kastro Agios Georgios and Kastro Pantokratoras, all built in the 19th century.

    They are not in excellent condition, but they still represent a useful reference point for understanding the importance of Preveza to the people. sailing peoples. The first two are located near the marina; The fortress of Andreas Georgios, which was once surrounded by a moat, has a rectangular shape and four bastions. On the opposite side of the port, overlooking the Ionian Sea, is the Kastro Pantokratora.

    Given the strategic position of Provence, the city offers its visitors the possibility of organizing excursions in the surrounding area. Take a relaxing break to enjoy the beauty of alonaki beach which is located about 4 kilometers from the city center and is easily accessible both by car and with a walk of just over twenty minutes.

    In the northern part of the province of Provence, along the coast of western Greece on the Mediterranean, visit Parga Castle, built in the 14th century by the Normans, destroyed many times; The construction currently visible is the work of the Venetians. And on the way back to the city, stop at Riza Castle.

    If you don't want to go too far from the center, 10 kilometers from Proveza you can visit Nicopolis, a city in Epirus founded by the Romans, while traveling approximately 17 kilometers from the city you will reach the famous Playa Monolithi. Behind it is the protected forest of the same name: in this place the landscape is incredibly enchanting.

    A little beyond Monolithi you reach the coast of the municipality of Zaloggo, and in addition to taking advantage of the beautiful beach you could spend some time visiting the ancient city of Kamarina. The Prytaneion, a building with original architectural features, dominates the site.

    About 25 minutes from Preveza you can reach the island of Lefkada, it will be worth it: among the most beautiful beaches in Greece are precisely those of the well-known tourist town of the Ionian Islands. Among the rest of the beaches on the continent, we recommend Riza Ligia, with vegetation that reaches all the way to the sea, and Loutsa Vrachos, where you will find fine sand and a gently descending blue sea with shades of green.

    The province of Preveza is also a tourist destination where the combination of art and mysticism It is particularly intense: there are numerous convents and monasteries present in this area of ​​Greece; If the topic intrigues you, you can reach one of the most impressive monasteries a short distance from Kipseli, that of Agios Dimitrios, built by Emperor Michail Aggelo.

    You could finally visit the female monastery from Agia Pelagia in Borgo Kastrosikia; in Nea Derasounta you will find the convent of the prophet Ilias of Iliovountni; while in Romia, near Philippada, that of the prophet Prodomos. In Louros it is worth visiting the temple of Agios Varnavas; Furthermore, in Risovouni there is the early Christian church of Our Lady of Kastri.

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