Cenote Discovery, dive into the Mayan caves without a diving license

    One of the most beautiful experiences you can have during a trip to Mexico is to take a bath in one of the famous cenote scattered throughout the territory of the Yucatan and probably if you are planning a trip to those parts you already know what the cenote are. In the cenote, also called Mayan caves, not only do you dive and snorkel, but you can also dive with cylinders and in some cases it is not necessary to have a diving license.
    That's right here you don't need to have taken courses, here you just need to have the courage to try!

    Cenote Discovery, dive into the Mayan caves without a diving license

    Cenote House

    During our honeymoon in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, later camping on an active volcano, after having gone underground for more than a km only with a bathing suit and a candle, after having traveled on the most ramshackle vehicles possible, we could have missed theemotion to immerse ourselves in a cenote (what-do-I-tell-you-do)?
    And no eh!

    I heard about this great opportunity from my blogger friend Deborah which always reserves me some interesting information, so here is the first thing we did as soon as we arrived at Tulum it was looking for a diving school that could organize the dive for us.

    There are many cenotes in which you can immerse yourself. The most beautiful and most famous dives are those in the Cenote dos Ojos e Angelita, but to do them you must be in possession of the diving license.

    Cenote Discovery, dive into the Mayan caves without a diving license

    Our cylinders

    Although we had the certification, we also chose to do the dive called “Cenote Discovery” that is an easy easy dive, for those who have never dived e it is therefore not in possession of the patent.
    Why even with the certification you have chosen that dive, you will wonder. Well because I thought this was a really nice opportunity for all those who want to visit the cenote from a different point of view!

    And clearly because I liked the idea of ​​telling you about it up here ForToursLovers!

    On the morning of the dive, the appointment is in front of the diving school. There are 4 of us to do the dive: Massy and I, who, however, are in possession of the patent and two Iranian sisters for whom it is the first dive of their life, have never done even a course and are a bit scared.

    Cenote Discovery, dive into the Mayan caves without a diving license

    Arrival at Casa Cenote

    Our dive master is called Rodrigo, he is an engineer who has decided to change his life and now he is a diving instructor, he comes to pick us up with a very battered pickup: I already like him.
    We arrive at the Cenote House, the cenote where these dives for beginners are made, Rodrigo prepares the girls' equipment while we take care of ours and in the blink of an eye we are ready.

    Cenote Discovery, dive into the Mayan caves without a diving license

    Dive at Casa Cenote

    Since the dive is for people who they have never dived in their life, we dedicate the first half hour of the dive to some easy exercises: Rodrigo explains how to inflate and deflate the BC to get on and off, how to swim so as not to lift the sand from the bottom, how to find a minimum of buoyancy. The two girls are very good and they learn immediately so we can leave.
    After the diving training we leave for the real dive which lasts about 20 minutes during which we cover the entire length of the cenote: the maximum depth is about 8-9 meters (so easy easy no-panic!), there is also a tunnel under the mangroves, the water around is calm and emerald green and the visibility is excellent: Cenote House it is famous because, connecting to the sea through a system of underground caves, it is populated by both fresh and salt water fish.

    The experience is very different from that experienced during a classic marine dive, it almost feels like swimming in an aquarium given the beautiful aquamarine green color around and the white rocks populated by multi-colored fish. Sunbeams penetrate through the roots of the mangroves, generating plays of light and giving a sense of security to those who dive for the first time: in short, no risk and lots of fun!

    Cenote Discovery, dive into the Mayan caves without a diving license

    Map of the cenote

    Unfortunately, the time comes to re-emerge: we change near the pickup, take some souvenir photos and around noon we are already in front of the diving center. We greet Rodrigo and thank him for the great experience and for his kindness, we ask him for some information to dive into the sea the following day, but this time the bad luck prevails and the sea is too rough to do it. Too bad, it would have been the icing on the cake, but patience before leaving we still have to face one last effort: the dive this time with cylinders and patent, in the incredible Two eyes (with its incredible stalactites)


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