Camargue, between nature and popular festivals

    Camargue, between nature and popular festivals
    In the south of France, among marshes, salt marshes, bulls, horses and pink flamingos, where Provençal traditions merge with Spanish and gypsy folklore.

    La Camargue It is a lagoon area in the south of France that always awakens an inexplicable charm. Perhaps because half of the territory is a natural Park that extends around the Rhone. Or perhaps because it is influenced by both Provençal and Spanish climatic and cultural influences.

    But also for him variety of towns, one more picturesque than the other, for sunny people, for women traditional holidays, as well as for the gypsy festival that is celebrated every year on May 24 and 25, the Abrivado, the bullfights and bull races, and for its renowned gastronomy. In Camargue Popular traditions are still very much alive. they keep reproducing horses e Tori that walk freely among marshes, marshes, fields and reeds inhabited by around 350 species of birds, including pink flamingos.

    Le salina – where the famous Camargue salt is extracted – extend from the beaches of the Mediterranean coast to the city of Hotels around Maries de la Mer, what is called Baja Camarga. The Upper Camargue, however, is the most densely populated area, reaching up to Arles. Here, in one of the oldest cities in France, with many traces of the Roman past, there are arenas, ancient theaters, the Baths of Constantine, temples and obelisks. The city is also famous for its traditional festivals and music festivals.

    Perhaps the most famous town in the Camargue is Saintes Maries de la Mer, which developed around a church and, once surrounded by walls, still shows traces of a historic past. It is here where, according to legend, Mary Magdalene, Mary Salomé and Mary Jacobé landed on a ship from Palestine. For this reason, in addition to being a note Spa It is also a destination for pilgrimage. It is located a few kilometers Aigues-Mortes, for many years under the control of the Benedictines and inhabited by the Knights Templar: from here the Seventh Crusade began in the 13th century.

    In addition to the towns, there are many towns in the surrounding area that are worth visiting. Aimargues, with its castle built on an old Roman fortress, and the old church transformed into a market. Vauvert, a rural town among vineyards with the castle. In summer it comes to life with the jazz festival. Saint-Gilles, on the border with Languedoc, with its buildings, the abbey and the castle. Copy-de-Giraud, a town of two thousand souls born in the last century for an industrial project, attracts tourists for its lighthouses. Saint Lawrence of Aigouze, a small historic town, with a fort and a castle.

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